Yesterday James turned 5! My sweet 5 year old requested McDonalds for his birthday meal. Try as I might, he could not be dissauded! Mmmm....nothing like McDonalds for a special meal. WE will have his party in two weeks...bowling.
Today is Thanksgiving. We are home alone as a family minus 1. Michael flew to Alabama to meet his girlfrineds family. It's sad he isn't here because I really miss him lately...he is busy being 21 and making his way through life. He was excited about meeting her family and they will go to the college game today.
Andrew is working until 7 so we are having a late Thanksgiving dinner. I made eggs benedict for brunch(think this might be a fun new family tradition?) and will start cooking at 2.
We had planned to go to my Dad's, then my Mom's. Mom is really ill. She has been hospitalized twice this month. She has a blockage caused by a recurrance of ovarian cancer. She started chemo last week. I went down alone and planned to take everyone down for the holiday. Our plans changed when I came down with a nasty cold:( We are here now, having our own little day.
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the day wherever it may take you. I am thankful for those in my life that teach me, love me, guide me, challenge me and hold me dear. You are all important to me and I hold each of you dear.
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